AX2358 Homemade 5.1 Remote Kit with 16x2 LCD

November 30, 2021
AX2358 Homemade 5.1 Remote Kit with 16x2 LCD

AX2358 is I used for this 5.1 remote kit project. It is Built-in 2-channel to 6-channel converter and 6-channel volume controller. It has 4 stereo inputs and one 6 channel input. Any stereo input terminals of AX2358 are selected, it will be directly converted to 6 channels and then output through volume adjustment but when the signal from the 6-channel input terminal is selected, it directly enters the volume adjustment and then outputs it without any processing. It has 6-channel individual volume control in this IC (0 to -79dB, 1dB/step).

This IC working by I2C communication. The data are transmitted to the AX2358 via the SDA and SCL. So I need a microcontroller. I choose the microcontroller is Atmega328 for this. This microcontroller programmed with Arduino UNO.


  • Power ON/OFF switch
  • Mute switch
  • Input select switch
  • Standby power out ON/OFF
  • 4 Stereo inputs and One 6-channel input
  • Master volume: 0 to 50
  • 6-channels volume: -10 to 10
  • Surround ON/OFF
  • Speaker mode: 5.1/2.1
  • -6dB ON/OFF
  • All reset
  • Remote control


Used push buttons for Power ON/OFF, Mute/Unmute and Input selection. Rotary encoder for volume up/down and channel/menu select. Long press the rotary encoder's switch for the menu function.

Application Circuit

Arduino Code

// AX2358 5.1 Surround System
// DaacWaves <>

#include <Wire.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <IRremote.h>

#define AX2358_address 0b1001010

#define btn_delay 300

#define sw01 9          // SW
#define sw02 11         // DT
#define sw03 10         // CLK
#define sw04 A0         // Input
#define sw05 A1         // Mute
#define sw06 A2         // Power

#define sw_power 13     // Out

// IR HEX code
#define ir_power      0x807F827D    // IR power ON/OFF
#define ir_mute       0x807F42BD    // IR mute
#define ir_in_0       0x807F629D    // IR input USB
#define ir_in_1       0x807F52AD    // IR input BLU
#define ir_in_2       0x807FA25D    // IR input FM
#define ir_in_3       0x807F22DD    // IR input AUX
#define ir_in_4       0x807F20DF    // IR input DVD
#define ir_vol_i      0x807F906F    // IR vol++
#define ir_vol_d      0x807FA05F    // IR vol-- 
#define ir_fl_i       0x807F40BF    // IR fl++
#define ir_fl_d       0x807FC03F    // IR fl-- 
#define ir_fr_i       0x807F00FF    // IR fr++
#define ir_fr_d       0x807F807F    // IR fr--
#define ir_sl_i       0x807F48B7    // IR sl++
#define ir_sl_d       0x807FC837    // IR sl--
#define ir_sr_i       0x807F08F7    // IR sr++
#define ir_sr_d       0x807F8877    // IR sr--
#define ir_cn_i       0x807F50AF    // IR cn++
#define ir_cn_d       0x807F609F    // IR cn--
#define ir_sub_i      0x807FD02F    // IR sub++
#define ir_sub_d      0x807FE01F    // IR sub-- 
#define ir_sp_mode    0x807F0AF5    // IR speaker mode change
#define ir_surr_mode  0x807FA857    // IR surround ON/OFF
#define ir_mix_mode   0x00000000    // IR -6dB ON/OFF
#define ir_reset      0x807F1AE5    // IR reset

IRrecv irrecv(8);
decode_results results;

byte custom_num[8][8] = {
  { B00111, B01111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111 },
  { B11111, B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000 },
  { B11100, B11110, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111 },
  { B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B01111, B00111 },
  { B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111, B11111 },
  { B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11110, B11100 },
  { B11111, B11111, B11111, B00000, B00000, B00000, B11111, B11111 },
  { B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111, B11111 }

const int digit_width = 3;
const char custom_num_top[10][digit_width] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 32, 6, 6, 2, 6, 6, 2, 3, 4, 7,   7, 6, 6, 0, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2,   0, 6, 2, 0, 6, 2};
const char custom_num_bot[10][digit_width] = { 3, 4, 5, 4, 7, 4,  7, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 32, 32, 7, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 32, 32, 7, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5};

byte arrow_right[8] = {B00000, B10000, B11000, B11100, B11110, B11100, B11000, B10000};

LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2); // RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7

unsigned long time;
int in, mute, return_d, surr, mix, a, b, x, power, menu, menu_active, ch_mute, speaker_mode, btn_press, long_press, vol_menu, vol_menu_jup, reset;
int fl, fr, sl, sr, cn, sub, ir_menu, ir_on, mas_vol, fl_vol, fr_vol, sl_vol, sr_vol, cn_vol, sub_vol;

long btn_timer = 0;
long long_press_time = 600;

void setup() {

  pinMode(sw01, INPUT);      // SW
  pinMode(sw02, INPUT);      // DT
  pinMode(sw03, INPUT);      // CLK
  pinMode(sw04, INPUT);      // Input
  pinMode(sw05, INPUT);      // Mute
  pinMode(sw06, INPUT);      // Power
  pinMode(sw_power, OUTPUT); // Out

  digitalWrite(sw_power, LOW);

  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  power = 0;


void loop() {

  if (menu_active == 0) {
  } else {

  //power -------------------------------------------------//
  if (analogRead(sw06) > 900) {
    if (power > 1) {
      power = 0;

  if (power == 1) {
    //select input -------------------------------------------------//
    if (analogRead(sw04) > 900) {

    //select menu -------------------------------------------------//
    if (digitalRead(sw01) == LOW) {
      if (btn_press == 0) {
        btn_press = 1;
        btn_timer = millis();
      if ((millis() - btn_timer > long_press_time) && (long_press == 0) && (menu_active == 0)) {
        long_press = 1;
        menu_active = 1;
        menu = 1;
      } else if ((millis() - btn_timer > long_press_time) && (long_press == 0) && (menu_active == 1)) {
        long_press = 1;
        menu_active = 0;
        vol_menu = 0;
        reset = 0;
    } else {
      if (btn_press == 1) {
        if (long_press == 1) {
          long_press = 0;
        } else {
          if (menu_active == 1) {
            if (menu > 4) {
              menu = 1;
          } else if (menu_active == 0 && speaker_mode == 0) {
            if (vol_menu > 6) {
              vol_menu = 0;
          } else if (menu_active == 0 && speaker_mode == 1) {
            if (vol_menu_jup == 0) {
              if (vol_menu > 2) {
                vol_menu = 6;
                vol_menu_jup = 1;
            if (vol_menu_jup == 1) {
              if (vol_menu > 6) {
                vol_menu = 0;
                vol_menu_jup = 0;
        btn_press = 0;

    //mute -------------------------------------------------//
    if (analogRead(sw05) > 900 && mas_vol != 19) {
      if (mute == 1) {
        menu_active = 99;
      } else {
        menu_active = 0;

  //menu active 0 -------------------------------------------------//
  if (menu_active == 0) {
    if (digitalRead(sw02) == LOW) {
      if (vol_menu == 0) {
      if (vol_menu == 1) {
      if (vol_menu == 2) {
      if (vol_menu == 3) {
      if (vol_menu == 4) {
      if (vol_menu == 5) {
      if (vol_menu == 6) {
      if (speaker_mode == 0) {
    if (digitalRead(sw03) == LOW) {
      if (vol_menu == 0) {
      if (vol_menu == 1) {
      if (vol_menu == 2) {
      if (vol_menu == 3) {
      if (vol_menu == 4) {
      if (vol_menu == 5) {
      if (vol_menu == 6) {
      if (speaker_mode == 0) {

  //menu active 1 -------------------------------------------------//
  if (menu_active == 1) {
    if (menu == 1) {
      if (digitalRead(sw02) == LOW) {
    if (menu == 2) {
      if (digitalRead(sw02) == LOW) {
        if (speaker_mode == 1) {
          vol_menu_jup = 0;
    if (menu == 3) {
      if (digitalRead(sw02) == LOW) {
    if (menu == 4) {
      if (digitalRead(sw02) == LOW) {

//eeprom -----------------------------------------------------//

void eeprom_update() {
  EEPROM.update(0, in);
  EEPROM.update(1, mas_vol);
  EEPROM.update(2, fl_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(3, fr_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(4, sl_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(5, sr_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(6, cn_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(7, sub_vol + 10);
  EEPROM.update(8, surr);
  EEPROM.update(9, speaker_mode);
  EEPROM.update(10, mix);

void eeprom_read() {
  in =;
  mas_vol =;
  fl_vol = - 10;
  fr_vol = - 10;
  sl_vol = - 10;
  sr_vol = - 10;
  cn_vol = - 10;
  sub_vol = - 10;
  surr =;
  speaker_mode =;
  mix =;

void btn_cl() {
  time = millis();
  return_d = 1;
void ir_cl() {
  time = millis();
  return_d = 1;
void return_delay() {
  if (millis() - time > 5000 && return_d == 1 && mute == 0 && menu_active != 0) {
    menu_active = 0;
    vol_menu = 0;
    reset = 0;
    return_d = 0;
  } else if (millis() - time > 5000 && return_d == 1 && mute == 0 && menu_active == 0) {
    vol_menu = 0;
    return_d = 0;

//power up -----------------------------------------------------//

void power_up() {
  if (power == 1) {
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("   LOADING...   ");
    if (mas_vol > 19) {
      mute = 0;
    vol_menu = 0;
    menu_active = 0;
    ir_on = 1;
    vol_menu_jup = 0;
    digitalWrite(sw_power, HIGH);

  } else {

    digitalWrite(sw_power, LOW);
    mute = 1;
    menu_active = 100;
    ir_on = 0;

void start_up() {
  mute = 1;
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("    Ui Tech     ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("   5.1 SYSTEM   ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("   LOADING...   ");

//IR control --------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

void ir_control() {
  if ( irrecv.decode( &results )) {

    switch (results.value) {
      //power -------------------------------------------------//
      case ir_power:
        if (power > 1) {
          power = 0;
    if (ir_on == 1) {
      switch (results.value) {
        //mute -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_mute:
          if (mas_vol != 19) {
            if (mute == 1) {
              menu_active = 99;
            } else {
              menu_active = 0;

        //select input -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_in_0:
          in = 0;

        case ir_in_1:
          in = 1;

        case ir_in_2:
          in = 2;
        case ir_in_3:
          in = 3;

        case ir_in_4:
          in = 4;

    if (ir_on == 1 && menu_active == 0) {
      switch (results.value) {
        //VOL -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_vol_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 0;
            if (speaker_mode == 0) {

        case ir_vol_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 0;
            if (speaker_mode == 0) {

        //FL -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_fl_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 1;

        case ir_fl_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 1;

        //FR -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_fr_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 2;

        case ir_fr_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 2;

        //SL -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_sl_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 3;

        case ir_sl_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 3;

        //SR -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_sr_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 4;

        case ir_sr_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 4;

        //CN -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_cn_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 5;

        case ir_cn_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            vol_menu = 5;

        //SUB -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_sub_i:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 6;

        case ir_sub_d:
          if (speaker_mode == 0 || speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu = 6;

        //speaker mode -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_sp_mode:
          vol_menu = 0;
          if (speaker_mode == 1) {
            vol_menu_jup = 0;

        //surround -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_surr_mode:
          vol_menu = 0;

        // -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_mix_mode:
          vol_menu = 0;

        // -------------------------------------------------//
        case ir_reset:
          vol_menu = 0;

//custom shape --------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

void custom_num_shape() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    lcd.createChar(i, custom_num[i]);

void custom_shape() {
  lcd.createChar(1, arrow_right);

//lcd ---------------------------------------------------------//

void lcd_update() {
  int c;
  switch (menu_active) {
    case 0:
      //input -------------------------------------------------//
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      if (in == 0) {
      if (in == 1) {
      if (in == 2) {
      if (in == 3) {
      if (in == 4) {

      //speaker mode ------------------------------------------//
      lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
      if (speaker_mode == 0) {
      if (speaker_mode == 1) {

      //vol ----------------------------------------------//
      switch (vol_menu) {
        case 0:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          c = mas_vol - 19;

        case 1:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          lcd.print("FL-VOL ");
          c = fl_vol;

        case 2:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          lcd.print("FR-VOL ");
          c = fr_vol;

        case 3:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          lcd.print("SL-VOL ");
          c = sl_vol;

        case 4:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          lcd.print("SR-VOL ");
          c = sr_vol;

        case 5:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          lcd.print("CN-VOL ");
          c = cn_vol;

        case 6:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          //       ("       ");
          c = sub_vol;

    case 1:
      switch (menu) {
        case 1:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
          lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
          lcd.setCursor(6, 1);
          if (surr == 0) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
          if (surr == 1) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);

        case 2:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
          lcd.print("Speaker Mode");
          lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
          lcd.setCursor(6, 1);
          if (speaker_mode == 0) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
          if (speaker_mode == 1) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);

        case 3:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
          lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
          lcd.setCursor(6, 1);
          if (mix == 0) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
          if (mix == 1) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(5, 1);

        case 4:
          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
          lcd.print("All Reset");
          lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
          if (reset == 1) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

          lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
          lcd.print("All Reset");
          lcd.setCursor(1, 1);
          lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
          if (reset == 0) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
          if (reset == 1) {
            lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(8, 1);

    case 99:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print("                ");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("      MUTE      ");

    case 100:
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
      lcd.print("                ");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("    STANDBY     ");
  if (menu_active == 0) {
    int y;
    if (c < 0) {
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      y = 10 - (c + 10);
    } else if (c == -10) {
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      y = 10;
    } else {
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      lcd.print(" ");
      y = c;
    a = y / 10;
    b = y - a * 10;

    lcd.setCursor(9, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < digit_width; i++)

    lcd.setCursor(9, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < digit_width; i++)

    lcd.setCursor(13, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < digit_width; i++)

    lcd.setCursor(13, 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < digit_width; i++)


//all reset --------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

void set_reset() {
  if (reset == 1) {
    in = 0;
    mas_vol = 44;
    fl_vol = 0;
    fr_vol = 0;
    sl_vol = 0;
    sr_vol = 0;
    cn_vol = 0;
    sub_vol = 0;
    speaker_mode = 0;
    surr = 0;
    mix = 0;
    vol_menu = 0;
    menu_active = 0;
    reset = 0;

//speaker mode --------------------------------------------------------------------------------//

void set_speaker_mode() {
  if (speaker_mode > 1) {
    speaker_mode = 0;
  if (speaker_mode < 0) {
    speaker_mode = 1;
  switch (speaker_mode) {
    case 0:                     // 5.1 mode
      ch_mute = 0;
    case 1:                     // 2.1 mode
      ch_mute = 1;

//AX2358 settings -----------------------------------------------------//

void set_in() {
  if (in > 4) {
    in = 0;
  switch (in) {
    case 0: a = 0b11001011; break; // 1 input
    case 1: a = 0b11001010; break; // 2 input
    case 2: a = 0b11001001; break; // 3 input
    case 3: a = 0b11001000; break; // 4 input
    case 4: a = 0b11001111; break; // 6 CH input
void set_surr() {
  if (surr > 1) {
    surr = 0;
  if (surr < 0) {
    surr = 1;
  switch (surr) {
    case 0: a = 0b11000000; break; // Surround ON
    case 1: a = 0b11000001; break; // Surround OFF
void set_mix() {
  if (mix > 1) {
    mix = 0;
  switch (mix) {
    case 0: a = 0b11000010; break; // (-6dB) on
    case 1: a = 0b11000011; break; // (-6dB) off

//AX2358 Volume settings ----------------------------------------------//

void set_mas_vol() {
  if (mas_vol > 69) {
    mas_vol = 69;
  if (mas_vol < 19) {
    mas_vol = 19;
  if (mas_vol == 19) {
    mute = 1;
  } else {
    mute = 0;
void set_mute() {
  if (mute > 1) {
    mute = 0;
  switch (mute) {
    case 0:                     // 5.1 mode
      ch_mute = 0;
    case 1:                     // 2.1 mode
      ch_mute = 1;
  if (speaker_mode == 0) {
void set_fl() {
  if (fl_vol > 10) {
    fl_vol = 10;
  if (fl_vol < -10) {
    fl_vol = -10;
  fl = mas_vol + fl_vol;
  int c = 79 - fl;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10;
  AX2358_vol(0b10000000 + a, 0b10010000 + b);  // CH1
  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11110000; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11110001; break; // Mute
void set_fr() {
  if (fr_vol > 10) {
    fr_vol = 10;
  if (fr_vol < -10) {
    fr_vol = -10;
  fr = mas_vol + fr_vol;
  int c = 79 - fr;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10;
  AX2358_vol(0b01000000 + a, 0b01010000 + b);  // CH2

  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11110010; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11110011; break; // Mute
void set_cn() {
  if (cn_vol > 10) {
    cn_vol = 10;
  if (cn_vol < -10) {
    cn_vol = -10;
  cn = mas_vol + cn_vol;
  int c = 79 - cn;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10;
  AX2358_vol(0b00000000 + a, 0b00010000 + b);  // CH3

  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11110100; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11110101; break; // Mute
void set_sub() {
  if (sub_vol > 10) {
    sub_vol = 10;
  if (sub_vol < -10) {
    sub_vol = -10;
  sub = mas_vol + sub_vol;
  int c = 79 - sub;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10;
  AX2358_vol(0b00100000 + a, 0b00110000 + b);  // CH4

  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11110110; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11110111; break; // Mute
void set_sl() {
  if (sl_vol > 10) {
    sl_vol = 10;
  if (sl_vol < -10) {
    sl_vol = -10;
  sl = mas_vol + sl_vol;
  int c = 79 - sl;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10;
  AX2358_vol(0b01100000 + a, 0b01110000 + b);  // CH5

  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11111000; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11111001; break; // Mute
void set_sr() {
  if (sr_vol > 10) {
    sr_vol = 10;
  if (sr_vol < -10) {
    sr_vol = -10;
  sr = mas_vol + sr_vol;
  int c = 79 - sr;
  a = c / 10;
  b = c - a * 10; 
  AX2358_vol(0b10100000 + a, 0b10110000 + b);  // CH6

  switch (ch_mute) {
    case 0: x = 0b11111010; break; // Mute disabled
    case 1: x = 0b11111011; break; // Mute

//AX2358 send -----------------------------------------------------//

void AX2358_send(char c) {
  Wire.write (c);
void AX2358() {
  Wire.write (0b11000100);
void AX2358_vol(char c, char d) {
  Wire.write (c);
  Wire.write (d);

//end code

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